Transformative Consumer Research
Find general resources here on seeking funding.
Success Stories
Watch the videos below to hear members of the TCR community as they share their funding success stories and offer tips on how to achieve grant funding.

Getting Funding for Societal Impact Research

Connie Pechmann TCR 2023 Q&A

Funding Success Story: Melissa Bublitz

Funding Success Story: Maura Scott and Martin Mende
Curated List of Funding Resources
Early Career
Learning about external funding early in your career or as a student can give you a jump start on funding your research or positioning future research with financing in mind. Scholars can pursue a spectrum of grants at any point in their academic journey, and some programs are tailored to specific career stages (early career, established scholars, etc.). External funding practices and programs can vary greatly across different countries, institutions, etc. and scholars in your region may be a great resource for specific insights.

Why is seeking external funding important?Conducting socially impactful research can be costly. You may need money for large-scale field studies, prototype development, website creation to disseminate findings, publication in open-source journals, and more. External funding may give you the freedom to undertake ambitious, impactful projects.
Why is it beneficial to start thinking about funding early?Learning about external funding early in your career or as a student can give you a jump start on funding your research or positioning future research with financing in mind. Scholars can pursue a spectrum of grants at any point in their academic journey, and some programs are tailored to specific career stages (early career, established scholars, etc.). External funding practices and programs can vary greatly across different countries, institutions, etc. and scholars in your region may be a great resource for specific insights. Click on the links below for more insights.
What are funders looking for?The TCR focus on creating impact places us in an advantageous position because that’s why funders invest: to achieve impact. Ultimately, funders want to achieve their priorities.They want to be sure the researcher understands the issue, has a solid plan, and can deliver on time and on budget. Check out the links below for more help. Tech Soup Blog Post: What do Funders Look For? UK Research and Innovation Council: How to Write a Good Grant Proposal U.S. National Institutes of Health: Write Your Grant Application
How do I write a strong grant proposal?Most funders make their assessment criteria or rubrics available. Always start with those as a base (and revisit often) to ensure you tailor your grant proposal to the funder. Be sure to check your eligibility before you invest time in the proposal. Go the Books and Articles section of this page for more information. Books: Write a Winning Research Proposal by Martins Zaumanis Research Proposals, a Practical Guide by Martyn Denscombe The Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing by Holly Rustick Peer-reviewed articles: Recommendations for Writing Successful Grant Proposals: An Information Synthesis Are peer reviews of grant proposals reliable? An analysis of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funding applications Writing a first grant proposal The ABC of writing a grant proposal Recommendations for Writing Successful Grant Proposals Secrets to writing a winning grant Why Academics Have a Hard Time Writing Good Grant Proposals Other online sources: A guide to writing grant proposals How to write a successful academic grant application Writing a Scientific Research Project Proposal How to write a grant proposal: a step-by-step guide
Do grant funders care about research impact?As a global community, we are having a conversation about defining, considering and capturing impact from the conception to completion of research projects. A similar process applies to the process of developing funding proposals. Check out the Impact section of this website.