Getting real about consumer poverty: Deep processes for transformative action
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Martina Hutton, Canan Corus, Joshua D. Dorsey, Elizabeth Minton, Caroline Roux, Christopher P. Blocker, Jonathan Z. Zhang
To uncover pathways for understanding and alleviating poverty, this paper offers an alternative approach for examining the real and unseen processes of destitution and in-work poverty which shape the lives of consumers. We apply a critical realist paradigm structured around three core tenets—stratified realities, complex causations and generative structures—to surface the nuanced complexities of these issues. A critical realist lens encourages impact by focusing on the deep causes of enduring social problems and provides transformative consumer research scholars with an integrative way to work toward transformative policy action.
Complex Causations, Poverty, Critical Realism, Deep policy, Destitution, Generative Structures, In-Work Poverty, Stratified Realities