Introduction to the Special Issue on Transformative Consumer Research: Creating Dialogical Spaces for Policy and Action Research
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Julie L. Ozanne
The essays in this special issue originated from the second Transformative Consumer Research Conference held at Villanova University in 2009 that Ron Hill, Madhu Viswanathan, and I organized. Transformative consumer research (TCR) is a new academic movement that aims to advance the well-being of consumers through research that employs rigorous theories and methods (Mick 2006). Transformative researchers study the problems most relevant and pressing for consumers and society and then disseminate usable research findings to stakeholders who are best poised for constructive action (Mick et al. 2012). Thus, it is unsurprising that a natural affinity exists between TCR and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. This journal is one of the finest academic homes for research that aims to advance consumer well-being because of its special relationship to public policy makers who are important agents of social change
Dialogical Space, Policy, Action Research