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Transformative Consumer Research


A Whiter Shade of Pale: The Impact of Whiteness on Female Beauty Standards


Ronald Hill

Award Amount


That skin color has a dramatic impact on self-images of women has long been a consequence of  racial discrimination and dominance, as well as the use of light-skinned models in advertisements and other forms of communication throughout modern times. Generations of women around the world have been inundated by female models with whiter complexions as the prototypical standard by which they have benchmarked themselves and others around them, often seeking ways of meeting unrealistic criteria of what is considered ‘beautiful’ through cosmetic products. Nonetheless, as multiculturalism permeates developed and developing nations, these standards may be shifting away from generic and hegemonic visions toward more realistic and varied standards that allow for greater variation. To test this research proposition, we will complete a cross-national study in India, Egypt, and Ghana where lightness of skin intonation has been a culturally-imposed prerequisite for women to be considered and consider themselves as beautiful. Our examination is based on investigations of women in these countries who either embrace or disdain this standard. Implications for more thoughtful global advertising campaigns will be offered from our findings.


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