Where: Washington, DC, American University, USA
When: June 12–15, 2025
Conference Co-Chairs: Ron Hill, American University, USA, Kelli Frias, American University, USA, Zeke Ngcobo, American University, USA
Contact: TCR2025conf@gmail.com
Deadline: August 15, 2024
The 2025 Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) conference organizers are seeking co-chairs for individual tracks for the next TCR conference to be held at American University in Washington, DC from June 12 - 15, 2025. The track co-chairs will be responsible for:
defining a specific theme or project that the track’s group members will discuss at the conference;
soliciting a diverse and inclusive array of track applicants and helping to select track members;
leading the track dialogue;
presenting a summary of the track’s ideas at the end of the conference;
organizing and leading pre- and post-conference activities for that track.
Please read the call since we are refining the conference model for each iteration.